Organic Agronomy Training with Dr. Martin Entz – University of Manitoba
This training is intended for private and public sector agrologists and agronomists who want to respond to the growing demand from producers for more information about organic grain production. While the course was designed with the Prairies in mind, agronomists in other ecoregions will learn universal principles of organic production. The course will be offered over five 75 minutes live (and recorded) online sessions over two weeks in January 2023. The sessions cover introductory material on:
• Crop rotations and nutrient management
• Crop establishment, seeding and tillage
• Insects, weeds and disease management, and
• Soil health
Agronomists can pose questions throughout the trainings, either live or via email after viewing recorded sessions. Questions will be addressed in the final training on January 13th.
Grain farmers considering a transition to organic or current practitioners who want to learn the theory and latest science will also find the course valuable.
The course is free to all, but registration is required.
Register now: