Latest Past Events

Designing water smart farming systems: Practical examples


Meet two organic farmers who will share their stories and experiences improving water use efficiency on their farms.Stewart Wells, and his partner, Terry Toews, live on the original homestead of his grandparents and are the third generation to operate the family farm in southwest Saskatchewan near Swift Current. On their 3500 acres they grow certified […]


Phosphorous management to improve water use efficiency in organic cropping systems


Guest presenter: Joanne Thiessen Martens, PhD candidate (University of Manitoba) Joanne Thiessen Martens is an expert in dryland organic production systems and no stranger to the role phosphorous plays in its success. Before embarking on her PhD, Joanne spent 14 years working on soil fertility projects with organic farmers. In 2019, Joanne led a study […]


Legumes for Nitrogen supply under water-limited conditions


Guest presenter: Dr. Mervin St. Luce (Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, Swift Current, SK). Dr. Mervin St. Luce is a Research Scientist in Soil Fertility and Cropping Systems at the Swift Current Research and Development Center of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with broad knowledge of legumes in tropical and temperature production agroecosystems. He received his PhD […]
