Agronomy Coffee Shop Talks available online
Did you miss an Organic Agronomy Coffee Shop talk, or want to hear it again? We are posting these telephone based workshops on our Natural Systems Agriculture YouTube Channel and the most recently posted talks appear below along with their corresponding slide show presentations. These talks feature experts on all manner of organic agronomic extension. Please enjoy, and send suggestions for future talks to
Lana Shaw: Mixed Grain Intercropping
November 21, 2017
Lana Shaw from the South East Research Farm discusses mixed grain intercropping and covers reasons to combine grains in intercrops, determining the goals of the intercrop and potential pitfalls. Common grower questions and concerns will also be discussed.
Lana Shaw Presentation Slides
Lana Shaw as a MSc. in Plant Sciences (2002) and a BSc. in Agriculture (1999) from the University of Saskatchewan. She has worked in pulse agronomy since 1999, first a Master’s degree in dry bean agronomy, and then as an irrigation agronomist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (2001-2009). Since 2010, Lana has worked as research manager of the South East Research Farm, designing and conducting various agronomic field crop trials with a considerable emphasis on novel techniques like intercropping.
Organic Agronomy: Some Perspectives from South of the Boarder
Mark Kopecky, Soils Agronomist with Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative
Mark Kopecky Presentation Slides
Anne Weill: Efficient and Effective Control of Canada Thistle, Sow Thistle, and Coltsfoot
January 12, 2018
Anne Weill Ph.D Ag. Eng from CETAB+ in Quebec.
Anne Weill has been a crop advisor for organic farmers since 2003. She has been working with cash crop farmers as well as vegetable producers. Her focus has been to improve soil, fertilization, weed management as well as crop rotation. She has worked with farmers in order to improve the use of green manure as a tool for soil heath and nitrogen fertilization. She has also been teaching these topics to farmers and agronomists in the province of Québec. She has published guides on soil evaluation, organic vegetable production and weed management. She is now doing applied research on green manure, soil management, weed management and vegetable fertilization for organic systems with the CETAB+ (Centre d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture biologique et de proximité), and has a research chair on organic crop protection.
Kevin Elmy: Digesting Cover Crops
Kevin Elmy Presentation Slides
Kevin Elmy P.Ag from Saltcoats, SK. Kevin discusses livestock integration in to crop land. Kevin farms 1500 acres in Saltcoats SK with his family along with operating Friendly Acres Seed Farms Inc and Cover Crops Canada. They are conventional producers that utilize some organic practices in their management. Management goals revolve around soil health, soil building, and sustainability.