February 6 Coffee Shop Talk

January 26, 2018

The next Organic Agronomy Coffee Shop Talk will be held Tuesday February 6th at 9:30am in AB and 10:30 am in SK and MB.

On the call this month we will be hearing from John Gavloski, Entomologist from Manitoba Agriculture. John’s presentation will be on “Identifying and Preserving Beneficial Insects”

John is an entomologist with Manitoba Agriculture in Carman.  He conducts monitoring programs for some of Manitoba’s major insect pests and provides information on insects and insect management to farmers, agronomists and those working in the agriculture industry. John does numerous presentations and information updates for agronomists and farmers, and co-produces a weekly Manitoba Insect and Disease Update during the spring and summer. He has worked for Manitoba Agriculture since 1997.John has a bachelor’s degree in environmental biology and a M. Sc. in entomology from the University of Guelph, and completed his Ph.D. in the department of entomology at the University of Manitoba.
Aside from entomology, John also enjoys hiking, cycling, travelling and observing almost any type of wildlife.

Dial in number: 1-866-792-1319
Conference id: 4657345

Slides will be sent out closer to the call. Please email Katherine.stanley@umanitoba.ca to RSVP to the call.