New BMP Program of Interest to Organic Farmers

August 22, 2018

A new Ag Action Manitoba program has been added that will be of interest to organic and ecological farmers in Manitoba. The Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) must be identified in your Environmental Farm Plan EFP prior to applying.

The BMPs of particular interest to organic producers are highlighted below (click on each highlighted program for details):

101 Resource Management Planning 50:50 Cost Share (Gov-Applicant), Cap $15,000
201 Establishment of a Cover Crop 25:75 Cost Share, Cap $10,000
301 Improved Pastures and Forage Quality 25:75 Cost Share, Cap $10,000
302 Intercropping 50:50 Cost Share, Cap $10,000
601 Sub-Surface Drainage Water Management 50:50 Cost Share, Cap $10,000

Click here for the complete list of BMPs


Valid Statement of Completion of an Environmental Farm Plan
Own or control land where the project will be located (or have permission from the landowner)
Livestock producers must have a valid Manitoba Premises Identification Number

How to Apply:

1. Review the Ag Action Manitoba Program Guide for Farmers Terms and Conditions Guidebook before you complete your application form to ensure you meet all requirements for eligibility. On the application you will be required to state that you have read, understand and agree to abide by all the requirements set out in the guide.
2. Download the fillable application form.
3. To help complete your application, refer to the Program Guide for details on requirements for the specific BMP.
4. Applications with required documentation can be emailed to Manitoba Agriculture. Be sure to:
•always save a copy of the completed application for your records
•include your name, business or organization, contact information and the activity you are applying for in the body of the email
5. When your application is received, Manitoba Agriculture will assess your application. Once the application is assessed, you will receive a funding decision letter.
6. You must receive a funding decision letter or a contribution agreement before you start any work on your project. Applications for projects that were started before you received notification will not be accepted.
7. Only costs paid out after the date on your approval letter will be reimbursed. Any expenses incurred before the project’s written approval are ineligible, unless and except where otherwise expressly authorized in writing by the program administrator.
8. When your project is completed, submit itemized receipts or other acceptable proof of payments to:

Ag Action Manitoba – Program Administrator, 810 Phillips Street, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3JN

1. Payment will be issued upon meeting all of the above requirements and according to the schedule stated in the funding decision letter.
2. An audit inspection of final work may occur before or after payment is issued.

How to get an Environmental Farm Plan on your farm:

The EFP program is administered by the Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP). The program consists of workshops (one or two half day sessions) and a workbook that must be reviewed by KAP. Once you complete the process, you will be issued a Statement of Completion certificate which is valid for 5 years.

For organic producers, Manitoba Government Organic Specialist Laura Telford, 204 871-6600 is available to review applications and answer questions prior to application.