OPAM’s Farm Tour and Potluck Supper

July 3, 2019

OPAM will be having their Farm Tour & Potluck BBQ of the season on Friday, July 26, 2019. Everyone will gather at 1:00  pm to begin the tour at the farm of Agabus and Donna Neuschwander.

About the Farm:

We operate a mixed farming operation raising a Speckled Park / Black Angus beef herd, and a variety of crops; wheat and oats fields as grains and rye or polycrop mixes for grazing and/or green manure crops. Components of the polycrops are oats, peas, faba beans, millet, sunflowers, corn, phacelia, clovers, radishes, buckwheat and forage brassicas. We are also experimenting with manure  composting  as well. At the end of the tour, a potluck BBQ supper will be held at the Neuschwander Farm.

Directions to the farm:
The farm yard is on the east side of Hwy 34 just south of grid road 77N, civic address 76155 ( that is 6 miles south of Gladstone or 14 miles north of Austin).


Please remember to bring appropriate clothing for the afternoon and evening as well as plenty of water, bug spray, sunscreen, hats, and lawn chairs to kick back and relax in. If you prefer, you can bring your own meat to cook on the barbeque.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy… feel free to bring a friend![vc_single_image image=”2254″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://www.opam-mb.com/”]