Agricultural and Organic Resources

Agriculture products represented as organic in Canada must be certified.
Learn how to farm organically
The Manitoba chapter of Canadian Organic Growers. OFCM promotes organics and organic farming.
Promotes organics and provides educational materials of interest to organic consumers and farmers, including how-to books and the COG magazine.

Campaigns for for health, justice, sustainability, peace, and democracy.

Download a PDF of Dr. Vincent Hervet’s presentation at our 2022 AGM on controlling insect infestations in organic grains and facilities.

Get Connected

Connect with us and other farmers on Facebook.

Follow us on Twitter.

Check out our YouTube Channel.

Sign up to our newsletter.

Get connected to more organic farming resources at

Get connected to organic grain markets and trends at OrganicBiz.

Get connected to Manitoba Agriculture’s Organic Cost of Production calculator.

Get connected to Manitoba Agriculture’s Organic Sector Development Specialist by calling 204-871-6600.

Get connected to Organic Crop Insurance at Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation.

Learn more about eating organics in Manitoba at Organic Food Council of Manitoba.

See profiles of organic farms like yours.

Get connected to Young Agrarians.

Get connected to the Manitoba Organic Alliance by contacting us