Two bins on the edge of a field

Coffee Shop Talks

Monthly coffee shop talks were first created for the Organic Agronomy training program through the Natural Systems Agriculture Program and the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative. MOA extension agronomist; Katherine Stanley has continued to hold these calls monthly.

Email to be included on future calls.

All uploaded videos and more can be found at the Natural Systems Agriculture YouTube Page.

March 19th, 2018 – Dr. Martin Entz – Soil Fertility in Organic Grain Farming Systems
February 6, 2018 – John Gavloski – Identifying and Preserving Beneficial Insects
Anne Weill – Efficient and effective control of Canada thistle, sow thistle and coltsfoot
Kevin Elmy – Digesting Cover Crops
Mark Kopecky – Organic Agronomy, Perspectives from South of the Border
Lana Shaw – Mixed Grain Intercropping