Prairie Organics Conference 2020
Pairing the latest science and practice of organics
Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended to February 15! You still have time to register at the early bird rate of $200 for a full conference pass (includes lunch). Couples pay $350. Prices go up 10% after February 15.
The Prairie Organics 2020 conference program is now available. Click on the link below to view our keynote and plenary sessions. There are no competing sessions, so you will be able to take it all in. You’ll get the latest science paired with the best organic farmers the Prairie has to offer.
Scientific Poster Session: Are you a researcher or a farmer doing interesting research on sustainable ag? We want to hear from you. Check out the details here. Grad and undergrad students can register for the conference for FREE! Click here. We’ll need a copy of your current Canadian school registration. (Deadline Extended to February 12!)
Bring the kids to Prairie Organics! We have childcare services, face painting, horse races and bingo.